Many students use listening to music as a way to wind down in the afternoon, or even to wake up in the morning. While some students listen to music in their free time. There are other students who listen to music any chance they can get.
”I listened to 60,555 minutes last year, because listening to music helps me not focus on other things, and it calms me down,” Lillian Young, freshman, said.
Many students use listening to music as a way to take their minds off other things. Life can get stressful at times and a lot of students need something to do that helps them relax. While some students may use music as a way to relax, many students use music to express themselves. Isdreal Taylor, freshman, listened to a total of 34,482 minutes of music.
“I feel like I listen to music so much, because the type of music I listen to resonates with my emotions and self-identity. At the moment, it can affect everything from how I act that day, to how I choose to feel about myself.” Taylor said.
Students throughout our school use music for many different things. From expressing ourselves, to using it as a way to lock in and focus on a task that needs to get done.
”I listened to 12,496 minutes on Spotify this year. I usually listen to music while I’m cleaning, or even while I’m doing homework. It helps put me in a better mood, and makes me feel less like I’m doing chores.” Aaliya Smith, freshman, said.
Listening to music is a universal thing that most students do. It is a way for students to express themselves and relax. It is something that most students can relate to and bond over, and it can bring our school closer together.