Whether it is bright and early in the morning, or the end of a long, tiring day, hundreds of students rush to get to the bus. Some students get to their bus and have to scramble to find a seat.
“There are an average of three kids to a seat, but it can get up to five. The other day a few elementary students had to stand in the aisles because the bus was so crowded,” Gavin McManigal, freshman, said.
Overcrowding is caused by many things, but the key factor is the lack of bus drivers. One reason for the shortage of bus drivers is the amount of time and effort it takes out of their day.
“Being a bus driver and a teacher takes up most of my time. I have to wake up early and drive the kids to school, and right after I get to the school I have to teach. After school, I have to leave early and I get home pretty late. I have to do the majority of my work at home, during the weekends, or I have to stay after school, so that doesn’t leave me with much free time,” Michelle Alverio, teacher and bus driver, said.
Another factor that causes overcrowding is the students who play sports. Students who do sports often stay after school, so on days that they don’t, the buses become much more overcrowded.
“Almost every seat on the bus has three people on it. This goes for the morning and afternoon. Whenever football, basketball or volleyball doesn’t have after school practice that day, the bus is ten times more crowded,” Maylee Nguyen, 8, said.
The school district is actively advertising for bus driver positions. Information about pay and requirements can be found on bryantschools.org.