The biggest misconception about choir is that it is an “easy A” class, according to Jordan Murdock. While choir is a fun class it is not an easy class.
“I make every class a fun experience for everyone involved,” Murdock said.
The choir is growing because of this. Instead of four choir classes, there are five. Last year, Dolce Vita Men, the men’s select choir, was an after-school extracurricular instead of a choir class that took up a space in the regular schedule. Dolce Vita Men was added as a choir class during regular class hours so it would be easier to teach everyone the skills they needed based on their skill level.
Two of the five choirs courses are the select classes. Select classes are advanced classes that require auditions.
Hornet Harmony is for the girls’ select choir, and Dolce Vita Men for the men’s select choir. Select choir has more intricate music and more public performances while the other choir classes focus more on the basics of singing technique and building their confidence for the future.
“I take what I do very seriously and hold my students to high musical and personal standards,” Murdock said.