Art: Nathan Barnes
There are many different foods that everyone knows but they are just the same old things every time. There is never any variety, so what are some ways to elevate simple foods that are staples in so many households?
We had staff members try some new recipes to help add some spice to your meals.
Nuggets in a blanket-
To elevate chicken nuggets you need to first cook some bacon, about half of however many chicken nuggets you are cooking. Then you want to wrap the nuggets in a single layer of bacon and cook the nuggets based on whatever the instructions tell you. Once they’re done, let them cool.
“The nuggets were soggy and cold in the middle. The bacon was too crispy and it was chewy. I would not recommend it,” Brayden Rowe, business and web Manager, said.
Fries and ice cream-
French fries are a food that almost every fast food place in America has. But what can you add to your fries to make them just a little bit better? This one is simple, just try dipping your fries in ice cream or a milkshake.
“If someone was having a bad day and they came to me for advice on how to make it better, I would tell them to get a chocolate frosty and some fries from Wendy’s. It’s the best treat.” Bella Luper, managing editor, said.
Peanut butter ramen-
For this recipe, get a basic ramen packet and follow the cooking instructions on the packet. After adding in the seasoning that comes with the ramen, add in two to three tablespoons of creamy peanut butter of your choice. Then add garlic powder to taste. Then an optional addition is hot sauce of your choice.
“I made this recipe and it was not my favorite thing. I think that if you like a more creamy taste in your noodles, I can see how people enjoy it,” Xoe Hawkins, Co-Editor in Chief, said.
Mac and cheese-
Make boxed Mac and cheese and follow the instructions on the box. After mixing in the cheese provided, add in extra shredded cheese of your choosing. Mix in a half tablespoon of butter as well as a bit of salt and pepper. You can also add in bacon bits and or sautéed veggies to add just a little extra flavor.
“The Mac and cheese was great. It was rich and creamy and tasted like actual cheese. The seasoning added an extra depth of flavor and made it all the more better,” Rowe said.
Peanut butter and Nutella sandwich with fruit-
Many people’s go-to for a sandwich is a simple peanut butter and sometimes jelly. This is a really simple thing to add to your sandwich to make it that much better. Simply add some Nutella spread on one side and peanut butter on the other. Then add a fruit of your choice such as strawberries or bananas.
”I used to eat my sandwiches like this all the time. I don’t like jelly so the Nutella gives a flavor other than peanut butter and then obviously you have the fruit taste that’s similar to jelly but not the same texture,” Hawkins said.